我怎麼能沒有你 失去你的愛
我怎麼活 我怎麼過
潔淨我心 你釋放我
主 我來到你面前 高舉雙手敬拜
主 我屈膝降服 在你寶貴十架
當你在上懸掛 為我付上代價
為我死 為我死
主 我這一生只要你
給我這感覺 唯有你 主 唯有你
How Could I Live Without You (Sam Evans)
How could I live without You
How could I survive
Without Your love
Without Your touch
You're the One that heals me
And cleanses my heart
And sets me free
Now I come right before You
With my hands lifted up
With my heart humbly bowed
At Your work on the cross
As You hang there and die
You were paying the price
For my life, For my life
For Your love is higher than the heavens
Deeper than the seas
And all I want is You in my life
No one else can satisfy my soul
Can make me feel this way
Only You Lord, only You